How the Fifth Sunday Singing Uplifted my Soul

The Good Samaritan Fifth Sunday Singing last night was unbelievably fantastic!! So many singers, so much talent. We heard from young to old, fast to slow, loud and soft, exciting and soothing, black gospel to bluegrass.

Thanks to all the singer and musicians as well as all who attended. That is what heaven will be like: everybody praising together! 🙂

I have been working a lot of hours lately and under a lot of stress, and I honestly say that last night I felt the words “He restoreth my soul.”

Sometimes in life, we are exhausted and yet still so busy that we can not take a minute for ourselves. Work, work, work and we can’t seem to get it all done; we can’t stop…..

This is precisely the time that we MUST stop. We need to be renewed and refreshed which can not be accomplished when you are in high gear and your world is spinning.

For example: Wind is a good thing when you are flying a kite, and a breeze feels so good on a summer day. But wind swirling out of control is a tornado, and that is destructive.

My mantra the past few months has been, “Breathe and have faith.” I have probably said it a thousand times over and over while working thru these circumstances.

Yet, I noticed yesterday that I was singing really loud to the radio, I felt happier than I have felt lately, I smiled and spoke to everyone I saw. I just had a fresh outlook on life.

And, I told everybody I talked to about the wonderful service, about the singing and the fellowship, about all the work of the Good Samaritans. I invited them to come join in. My cup was overflowing, and I had to share.

No, my work has not magically been finished and the stress is still there, but my new ATTITUDE makes it so much better. I feel a change; I focused better and accomplished more.

So, love and blessings to you. Remember, when you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, simply pause; God has something in your path which can “RESTORE YOUR SOUL.”


Easter Egg Hunt 2018


Hi, everyone! This is the first post on Gideon Grove UMC’s new website–yay! Enjoy a couple of pictures from our Easter egg hunt this year. Lots of candy and fun crafts plus teachings on Easter from the pastor, Wanda. We all had a great time!